**this is not an entry which necessarily makes sense**
I realized I want to be an Expression of Shared Knowledge.
Is that possible?
But I am pumped to try.
"The process of seeking equilibrium is what makes our life and society possible."
John Raulston Saul
"Why do we have trouble embracing our own genius? Our own Humanism? ...We would rather the illusion of certainty."
I am so optimistic.
And I am wary that people often think me happy because I am ignorant.
Or because I do not care to think of the unpleasantries.
but often, what others find unpleasant I do not
and what I know is hard or uncomfortable is a learning experience
because nothing is non momentous about life
nothing that does not move.
To me, nothing is meaningless.
To me, nothing is meaningless.
My happiness would ebb less, were that the case.
And in being happy, I am not inert. I am in want of betterment.
"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor. " ~Dr. Alexis Carrel
Grow some moss
And in being happy, I am not inert. I am in want of betterment.
"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor. " ~Dr. Alexis Carrel
Grow some moss
Were I a statue of contentedness.
I want to cultivate gardens before I grow moss.
I do not want to be inert. I don't believe in meaninglessness. Not moving. Not influencing.
I do not want to be inert. I don't believe in meaninglessness. Not moving. Not influencing.
I think one of the most meaningful decisions you can make is to try to not move. Not influence. Not claim your ability to respond. yOur responsibilities.
But, if everything is meaningfilled... And I don't believe it possible to fathom the complexities of life...
Should I be paralyzed because I do not understand? Even if I am in want of doing what my gut seems to know I need to do?
Should I get lost in the 'wilderness of opinion' (Wapola Sri Rahula "What the Buddha taught")
for fear of moving
and the perpetual consequences
What is the role of an actor in the world?
In society?
To ourselves?
To ourselves?
``What passes for common sense becomes a panicked, determined obsessiveness. Anyone who looks up or around is marketed as irresponsible or a romantic... There is no need to treat common sense as a parody of itself. Better to embrace its natural complexity"
Saul speaks of not thinking of knowing in the same way we think of understanding.
(Plan: Bee was a great example of life as a social being. Collaborative. Messy. Not understanding what would happen but knowing that I trusted in it and the process itself. So complex, so many contributions and opinions so hard to manage so easy to appreciate and so joyous in its execution. The most natural acting of my life in many ways)
The role of an actor:
Someone who acts in the world.
As an actor, cares about the opinions and lives and accumulated actions of others.
Who plays with those on stage to create a plot
And knows what they care about themselves first?
If I think I see the scaffold, should I measure it out and hire some builders?
Boss people around?
Boss people around?
Goodness, that is not me.
I fear being manipulated or mislead so much, that I would hate to ever mislead someone away from what they might truly want for themselves
And I work the least when I am told what to do precisely
and feel my agency is encroached upon wholly
and best with a messy scaffold wherein I can create.
I am not a boss.
Good gracious.
Whenever I have been called a leader? It is only because I often can recognize how and where other people are leading

often subtly and beautifully
and believing them to be better at a task than I might be
I do not trust myself as a grand director,
I take my direction from all directions
but I do trust myself as an appreciator
and am a great appreciator of novelty, and the unique and am perpetually amazed by how unmundane all things are. And by the glory of every single person and thing.
If anything, I want people to reframe people as actors. Redefine definitions.
"A definition is intended to clarify things, to free us for action... a definition can just as easily become a means of control, a profoundly reactionary force, a crutch for certainty and ideology."
People have painted themselves into little boxes, and denied themselves to their neighbours and vice versa. With fears of skeletons in their closets, they are too ashamed to call the exterminators.
I wish people understood themselves as social capitol. As meaningful actors on the grand stages of life.
armed specifically and beautifully to execute their delicious paths of action
I fear being manipulated or mislead so much, that I would hate to ever mislead someone away from what they might truly want for themselves
And I work the least when I am told what to do precisely
and feel my agency is encroached upon wholly
and best with a messy scaffold wherein I can create.
I am not a boss.
Good gracious.
Whenever I have been called a leader? It is only because I often can recognize how and where other people are leading
often subtly and beautifully
and believing them to be better at a task than I might be
I do not trust myself as a grand director,
I take my direction from all directions
but I do trust myself as an appreciator
and am a great appreciator of novelty, and the unique and am perpetually amazed by how unmundane all things are. And by the glory of every single person and thing.
If anything, I want people to reframe people as actors. Redefine definitions.
"A definition is intended to clarify things, to free us for action... a definition can just as easily become a means of control, a profoundly reactionary force, a crutch for certainty and ideology."
People have painted themselves into little boxes, and denied themselves to their neighbours and vice versa. With fears of skeletons in their closets, they are too ashamed to call the exterminators.
I wish people understood themselves as social capitol. As meaningful actors on the grand stages of life.
armed specifically and beautifully to execute their delicious paths of action
But (now that I have digressed, again) :
Do I mind my flighty mind?
Could I wholly mind my flighty mind?
Only when it keeps me from acting. Or thwarts my attempts to be responsible and conscientious.
Or hurts those around me with my negligence
But the struggle itself keeps me on my toes
My creative and curious parts?
Only when it keeps me from acting. Or thwarts my attempts to be responsible and conscientious.
Or hurts those around me with my negligence
But the struggle itself keeps me on my toes
My creative and curious parts?
I cannot anymore, because they are my greatest gift
Do I mind my happiness?
Sometimes, I fear it makes me insensitive--to others and to my own self.
I worry I am unfeeling because I feel so content
but it is a blessing always
(in fact, I feel quite like an arse when I complain about my happiness)
So why mute myself?
The messiness and my blurring of lines?
Sometimes, I fear it makes me insensitive--to others and to my own self.
I worry I am unfeeling because I feel so content
but it is a blessing always
(in fact, I feel quite like an arse when I complain about my happiness)
So why mute myself?
The messiness and my blurring of lines?
My optimism?
My romanticism?
This is how I see.
My romanticism?
This is how I see.
This is my arsenal of knowledge.
My acting style
My personal Reality
I combine me with what I think everyone might want
for the world
and what might be best for all
Who and what is on the stage
My acting style
My personal Reality
I combine me with what I think everyone might want
for the world
and what might be best for all
Who and what is on the stage
How could I mourn my own existence if I know it a blessing?
Because there have been times when I have mourned life
And thought better of it.

Because there have been times when I have mourned life
And thought better of it.
"“I know not how I may seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with”
Do I enjoy being distracted by things in the same manner as Plato?
Should I paint a blurry canvas and let the lovely things come out? In the same colours as my grandest dreams?
Borrow from the knowledge which surrounds me? Be distracted by that which draws me in to learn from it?
Goodness yes.
``The Curious thing is that no one can name a single manager or administrator of the Renaissance. Yet there were lots of them... Yet we can all name Picasso. And not because the artists are celebrities. In general they are far less in the public eye than a well-paid CEO.
...It seems that memory does work. It retains what is central and filters our what is tertiary or marginal. Leonardo (da Vinci) remains because he is an expression of our shared knowledge. The manager does not. He has a role but remains marginal to society`s sense of itself, even to the manager`s own sense of himself...``
...It seems that memory does work. It retains what is central and filters our what is tertiary or marginal. Leonardo (da Vinci) remains because he is an expression of our shared knowledge. The manager does not. He has a role but remains marginal to society`s sense of itself, even to the manager`s own sense of himself...``
you cannot deny your calling
if you know, you know
I never want to feel like a manager.
I often think of this Henry Ford quote, when I think of all things leaderly:
"The question, 'Who ought to be boss?' is like asking, 'Who ought to be the tenor in the quartet?' Obviously, the man who can sing tenor."
I have been okay with lending direction, with 'leading' or bossing
because I don't erase myself or other people in doing it
I suppose, that means I am okay it it
even if I am uncomfortable with it as a prospect.
But, as I said earlier: Discomfort is the best sign of learning.
I never want to feel like a manager.
I often think of this Henry Ford quote, when I think of all things leaderly:
"The question, 'Who ought to be boss?' is like asking, 'Who ought to be the tenor in the quartet?' Obviously, the man who can sing tenor."
I have been okay with lending direction, with 'leading' or bossing
because I don't erase myself or other people in doing it
I suppose, that means I am okay it it
even if I am uncomfortable with it as a prospect.
But, as I said earlier: Discomfort is the best sign of learning.
And I am terrified of Ideology
and fear feeling as though I know, as though I am done looking.
As though I am grown up.

“Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself.”-Kahil Gibran
As though I am grown up.
“Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself.”-Kahil Gibran
I want to be an expression of shared identity, shared knowledge
I don`t mean that I want to be remembered, or da Vinci for that matter
I want to help be
that blur which makes us us
I want to help popularize common sense.
``If understanding is impossible, than knowing is imperative``(Primo Levi)
``If understanding is impossible, than knowing is imperative``(Primo Levi)
and be cozy in not understanding
But in want of knowing
and allowing myself to know the things I do know.
`What I am suggesting is the essentially non-linear nature of common sense. You might say that it is the witness of society`s existence.`
To know I am not hiding. At let others know they need not hide
or fear being seen
“Be content to seem what you really are”
I think the greatest sin of them all, is to try to hide.
For in hiding what you think is your worst you will often hide your best
and if your worst remains in hiding
then you cannot make the best of it
and if you only think you hide it
and it is obvious to all those around you
you are a fool.
who will never feel comforted in knowing they are truly known.
For in hiding what you think is your worst you will often hide your best
and if your worst remains in hiding
then you cannot make the best of it
and if you only think you hide it
and it is obvious to all those around you
you are a fool.
who will never feel comforted in knowing they are truly known.
An amorous hedonist
wary of formalizing and yet always craving structure and sense
cheezy often
user of semiotics
therefore a mutt of pasts and presents and all neighbours of her existence
furiously borrowing from everyone around her and everything around her
trying to cite her sources
wary of her own untruths
and curious about yours
all collects as many blurred lines as possible
to try to reassemble The Grand Mosaic
all collects as many blurred lines as possible
to try to reassemble The Grand Mosaic
who outsources to be sure
"Is this what it looks like?"
"Is this what it looks like?"
but will never hide her opinion
and cannot tell you where the voice inside her comes from except to say
and you and you and you
and you and you and you
and you and you and you
A person who seeks personal serenity
By helping people be better people
by being themselves
by making this a better place.
Not inert.
Not understanding
Not paralyzed
No expert
But knowing she wants better.
and that she loves it.
And those around her.
And the place she is lucky enough to call home
Her grounds for exploration and limits and boundlessness

That doesn't sound bad to me at all.
And those around her.
And the place she is lucky enough to call home
Her grounds for exploration and limits and boundlessness
perpetual serendipity and symmetry
That doesn't sound bad to me at all.
But, if it sounds bad to yee I would love to know.
'Cause I need you to be better and build better.
Humans are social creatures.
And beautiful ones at that.
'Cause I need you to be better and build better.
Humans are social creatures.
And beautiful ones at that.
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