Who invented kindergarten was a napoleonic war vet, crystalographer, and a teacher of abstracts thru spiritual mechanisms?
Froebel's philosophy of education rested on four basic ideas: free self expression, creativity, social participation, and motor expression.
"The world of crystals proclaimed to me in distinct and unequivocal terms the laws of human life."
"What the spiritual eye sees inwardly in the world of thought and mind, it sees outwardly in the world of crystals."
"Man in his external manifestation, like the crystal, bearing within himself the living unity, shows at first more one-sidedness, individuality, and incompleteness, and only at a later period rises to all-sidedness, harmony, and completeness."
Forms of Knowledge
mathematical and logical ideas such as number, proportion, equivalence and order. These ideas serve to define natural divisions of a gift and to suggest ways of rearranging or transforming these parts.
Forms of Life
represent things that can be seen in the outside world . . . buildings, house, table, sofa, tree, etc.
Forms of Beauty
blocks arranged on a grid without stacking to have some kind of symmetry, to form patterns viewed as ornament
He's my homeboy, because he is an interconnectivist.
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