Since I was young I have had non-catholic inklings and desires about being a nun, about harnessing the divine powers of an independant, chaste woman. And yet here I am: Julia.
Certainly not a nun, or catholic. But there is something to be said for being wedded to God and/or the energy that you can keep or apply to the world when you are not invested in mating as a rule, or in the very least not invested in reflecting on why we participate in our sexual desires and acts. How come we have become somewhat unthinking in our reproductive activities? I am so enriched by breaking from cycles of desire. It becomes easier to write music often, to self reflect, to operate on a higher level... and historically, through nuns and beyond, it was used as a powerful tool for ladies, and meant you could better speak for yourself and for the people because you were untainted and holy. Because you wouldn't submit to your desires.
Is it the opposite now? Is chastity seen not as a virtue but an affliction? I feel Chastity is not seen as a productive social tool, and would make one an outcast now... so hard to relate to, so urecognized in popular culture. People who are cellibut are thought of as those who simply can't get some. Have the chaste become mythic now? Pegged as insane, deprived, misguided? Part of me feels judged as an old-lady type just for writing this, but I don't think 'abstaining' should be just for right-wing and repressive sorts. And, as it is, they are undiscussed, undervalued Pariahs. Sure, young virgins are covetted sexually, and those who play hard-to-get might win some soial points in the end : But what ever happened to the legitimacy of Cellibacy?
These are the top hits for nun in google images:
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