Methinks... there are many people undervalued in this world and that one of the best skills to have in our time is to understand human value.
I feel I often spend my life watching whole groups of people who don't get to benefit from friendships with others just because they cannot communicate their sentiments properly or understand the value each other. And individuals that live in the same household, the same block, the same city who decide for one reason or anouther not to associate with one anouther.
It makes your life so easy, though, valuing human lives for being epitome of oddball and normalcy. If you believe that there is an inherent sense to what others are thinking, how they became who they are it becomes so easy to interact in the world. Because everyone's reality is of consequence, every perspective has a purpose. It makes your life so easy, because people know you actually care about hearing who they more than you care for judging them. Joy comes easily from enabling other peoples' stories of being heard at the same time as yours.
The word Networking always makes me chuckle. Before we used the word network, what did we call the exchange of contacts and overlapping of social webs? And what is the value of these current networks if they cannot wholly hear each other? Can you ever really understand each other?
In this era, I think it is evermore important to foster our value for communicators, translators, liasons, and interprettors. Not neccesarily for negotiating between cultures or countries or languages, but between all human interactions. Most families have sets of interpreters, and we all have the ability to understand other human beings-- we just have more skepticism and less patience & compassion for those outside of our families. I think that this is one of the most important virtues to instill in Education too. With our ever increasing social connectedness, we need to have better understanding of what might impede our understanding and of our own context. We need to be able to communicate the sentiments of ourselves so we are better understood, and interpret those of others so that others might better understand them.
We are all hurtin' units. I was watching a TED talk on success, and on snobbery. We like to find excuses to dislike people, when they are lacking in degrees or have a less-than prestigeous job we can be put at ease for disliking them, since they are underqualified for our interest or our compassion. As though we as individuals knew the official measure accomplishment. We lived in caste & feudal systems for so long, and yet we still think and live in a manner which is not egalitarian and define success as something as easily known as nobility... But it seems now we have come to believe if you are poor or unaccomplished, and that it is your own fault and not The King's.
Remember the art of Tragedy: mistakes are important and beautiful and enriching.
You can't be a success at everything. Hamlet wasn't a loser though he lost.
And we are all misunderstood.
Is that Neccisary?________________________________________
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