April 27, 2010

Social Entrepreneurship

Dream Now.

Lawyers Perspective on rethinking how we run our businesses. Using 40 years of proving what motivates and applies human resources.


I love learning. I love Universities, their dedication to proliferating knowledge, immeasurable social impact, their students, faculty and research.

I am not saying I don't appreciate academics or the worth of post-secondary education or experts or disciplined lovelies. Quite the contrary, I am saying that the instituitonal norm is to under use, misuse and unwittingly train those who are destined to become those who will design our future. We are not utilizing the amazing human resource and not encouraging them to get creative about how to help the world or even themselves.

How about I quote Michael Angelo:
"I saw the angel in the marble so I carved until I set him free."
We need to change our learning institutions.

We live in the 'knowledge' era. The evironment of our higher learning insitutions is one of change, technology, immense challenges, privilege, opportunity and the biggest chance to collaborate and create the world we've ever had. And yet we place what can be agreed as the most important things as wholly extracurricular, or unprofessional or either too complicated or too simple to address.

Living in an era of impending doom, simply means we have the opportunity to live the most meaningful lives ever lived. Universities should help foster that meaning, and enhance those visions of the future.

I have too much to say here, but many have said more better and whom I have paraphrased poorly:

President of Bennington University: "The most important discovery we made in our focus on Public Action is that the hard choices are not between good and evil, but are between competing goods. This discovery is transforming."

And, further left (and a competing good):

"So why do you think progressive educators have been so reluctant to create alternative institutional structures to support their supposedly 'transformative' work? Hm? Is it simply a lack of imagination? Or is it just a matter of them wanting to eat the cake they've been served? These people don't want revolution - they're as afraid of change as anybody from the right wing. And they'll be satisfied with small, incremental reform, as long as they're able to keep their status as the intellectual vanguard of social justice."

Is that necessary?______________________________________________

Why is it that people often have the idea if you are dedicated to social well being you should be adverse to business and the economy

Is that Neccesary?

This is a spelling test.

Last night my sister taught me a trick to remember spelling necessary since I 'necissarily spell it incorrectly' (though, I do not need to spell it incorrectly, and you need what is necessary necessarily):

French reference: ne + cesse (meaning doesn't stop).

Though I am not generally verbally challenged, occasionally certain words habitually escape me.

Former stars of this spot include: Gage(gauge), flavor(flavour), Absurd (ubsurd) business (buisness), convenience (convieniance), etc. Neccesary is one of those words. Why is necessity spelled with one C two S's and necessary with one C and two s's??

It seems unneccisary. I mean.. unnecessary.

But it got me to thinking about once when my illustrious co-worker Kira told me when she watches me work she thinks of one thing always: "Is that neccisary?" I mean... necisary. I mean, Necessary.

So that expression briefly became my tagline of sorts, to the point that my lovely roomie Cait made a bracelet of letters that spelled the expression. And when I would do things like jump on things in a Parkour fashion, go barefoot, Smile all day, take 4 trips to do a 1 trip job, drop things on my shirt, eat off the ground, I would ask about the necessity of the incident.

I shall try to have one "Is that Necessary?" question per post--generally inspired by the happenings of my day or things about me or my surroundings which I usually percieve as normal but are a little ubsurd. Absurd. And occasionally those realities and normalities must be re-framed. The question shall be at post bottoms and words link to points/solutions to ponder.

This particular one, in the ever-sexy launch, every word is a link to points to ponder.

Is that necessary? ___________________________________
it takes ______ sheets of TP to make on 8x10 sheet of writing paper.

April 25, 2010

The Box

An Introduction to an Interconnectivist.

I was dubious about choosing a name. But to introduce: I want to say I self-identify as a loving & absurdly social nerd. Though, lots of my nerd qualifiers don't wholly consume me because of of my obscene addiction to people:
I love History, Economics, Biology, Religion, Star Trek, Video games, Cosmology, Inventions, Myths & Legends, Quantum Physics, Art and trying to know everything about everything. I even like to footnote my journals. And the nerdier I try to get about things the more I know I don't know. And also, the more analogous and serendipitous things get. The more life seems to speak in Legends & the morals of those tales.

I don't like the idea of being single-minded or slotted neatly into a box: So I tried to make up my own box of Interconectivism.

I have an aversion to being bad at things, or even disliking things. Though, sometimes pathologically I refuse to think things are gross or to say I am too weak for something. This is especially prominent feature of mine, when it comes to people. When I come across the rare human being that I don't like, can't read or am irritated by I consider it a sassy challenge and try to find their glory. Everyone has meaning, everything (especially those things which you are adverse to) is a teacher.

Since you know not the dimensions of this Interconnectivist box, I shall make it up as I go along and try to decipher the Moral of my own tales and legends.

That being said, and after many requests to share my weird, interdisciplinary nerdiness, digressions & Haligonian happenings: I consider this a social experiment to exercise my (often elusive) coherence & conciseness, and a chance to practice my passionate perspectives and get feedback on the mechanics of my mind. The prominent reason to blog is to use you all as my fact checkers and teachers since I live in my own story. None of us are free from our own delusions, and I am proud to be an imaginative oddball, but I would be of no social use or merit if I didn't get criticized, called out or knew when I captivated once n' awhile. I am not exactly trying to tell a story, I am more trying to make a case for why it feels amazing to be me, and I need you make sure I substantiate the evidence.

This is an introduction to what it might mean to be an Interconnectivist, and what it might mean to be Julia.